Monday, June 8, 2009

"Weaving a Basket of Faith" AMAZING VIDEO!

Click on the title link to view this awesome video!

Mothers and ladies who would like to have children someday...this message is for you!
This video will move you to tears, having you re-thinking your motherly strategies and looking toward the Lord for more of a partnership with him to REALLY protect our children and not stand for less by what society is telling us!

Please listen by setting aside about 30 mins. to view Jentezen Franklin in his provoking video presentation during mother's day. Because my heart was open and I have an unquenchable zeal for my Savior (I pray as you watch this, that you will be open to receive God's message) I was completely moved by the Holy Spirit as I watched and listened to this message and want to share it with you today. It's life changing for mothers! It's also a reality check for those of us who may be weary in spirit as we raise our children and run households for our families in today's world.

Let it lift you up in every way to become the woman and mother God longs for you to become.

Please pass this along if you feel moved to do so... Our children will thank us and be delivered by our steadfast prayers in weaving a basket of faith around them as they grow. Wow...I wish I heard this the first time around - though, its never too late to begin again!

P.S. I'd really like to hear your feedback via comments after viewing this video in its entirety and see how it might have changed your perspective on mothering or if it simply made you cry during some moments, laugh and/or enjoyed it or even if it didn't change anything in your heart - if your willing to share!

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