Monday, October 18, 2010

Lost my bloggy spirit along the way...

I know, I know... been a couple of months since you last heard from
me on bloggerville in case anyone is listening out there.

Although, I can say its' been important for me to take a break from it.
Relationships were suffering a bit and I needed to get back
into the praying spirit rather than just chatting online and so, we are back
on track and balancing a little better these days.

"Life" and now FACEBOOK (is also the culprit I'm embarrased to say)
has been moving pretty fast around the Allen household but God has
been faithful and good as always along the way. So, here are some updates
I'd like to share with you. *I won't have any photos for a while, our camera
is on the fritz and our mac is out of order and temporarily down,
I'm working from a laptop now.

The Fam Updates:

Tony (my husband) has been taking college courses online with
Herzing University and doing excellent! Though VERY time consuming for him
as he's working a full time demanding deadline oriented job, taking classes in
the evening and still manages to hold down the fort at home with us!
He is AMAZING and so blessed am I to share in this with him.
I'm very proud of his ability to make learning appear
very easy. He's on the Dean's List this semester too! Keep him in your
prayers for him as he works hard to accomplish his Bachelor's degree
in Graphic design in 3 yrs!!! He is contemplating a new career in the future
too... and need clarity about where the Lord would have him be, he
wants to teach design/graphic art classes online or at ITT Tech Inst.
so we need some clarification on that note. As well as pray for him to keep his
sanity in tact along the way as he leads our family :))

Charles will be turning 12 this Saturday! Boy, time flies. Always keeps his room
cleaned (I know amazing) and he's managed to also maintain an "A" average in
6th grade this year, still "gifted" academically and we are amazed at his
maturity in school, with friends, at home and with his little brothers. Charles
thrives in learning environments and is helpful in his church classes too. He loves
to learn from his dad and is constantly helping Tony fix things around the house.
Though, we deal with some unorganization and lateness from him from time to time, he's
trying in those areas and always brings us much amazement and joy around here!

Spencer has been growing so much in alot of areas as well. He loves loves loves
his little brother Josh and tries to show him the ropes around the house, it quite
amuzing sometimes and protects him with his life, its so precious!
He's been learning to take the lead instead of sulk in his "Middle Child" position
and we're so glad about that! Spence's favorite subjects
are Math and Science and LUNCH. Spence is doing GREAT in those classes.
He enjoys his classes at church too. He helps mom with chores around the house too.
Needs work in spelling and some attitude adjustments from time to time,
but he's getting there and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.
Spence will be 10 in December, I can't believe it!

Joshua is now 18 mos old! He is running around our house, laughing, screaming
and just a ball of energy. Josh loves going to nursery at our new church. Josh
is curious about EVERYTHING to. He enjoys pushing objects around a room.
He picks everything up no matter how heavy they are. Josh is eating very well
and tries new things with ease, though he had an issue when I bought him a
new cup/bottle, he kept throwing it away, but now he drinks
from He still eats his toes from time to time. Josh is very animated during
Veggie Tales movies and smiles often. We are very thankful for his little spirit around here!

Me! Been busy praying, raising three boys, cleaning, getting back into shape for dance
and working toward my certification for Liturgical Dance online with the ILDFA.
This has been awesome, learning the bible is difficult stuff but truly life changing
and I'm glad to report that I passed my first assignments/essays and video submissions
so glad to say!! Started my facebook a/c after much protest about that, but have decided
to use it for edifying purposes ONLY. Well, "I try" to keep it real, honest, interesting,
heartfelt and encouraging. I'm sure you really don't care what I like to drink in the
morning, so I typically use it for those purposes :) Our new church family has been
wonderful. We love it at Victory. The preaching is just on point in every way, the
worship/praise music is just anointed, blessed and breaks down strongholds so
we can worship in a way we've never experienced, its been amazing for us.
Tony and I have also joined a LifeGroup on Wed. nights and its been transforming us
in many ways!

ReVoLuTiOn has been "on hold" as of now but is still in the making. The Lord
has been restoring things in me like JOY and PRAISE that were lost, stolen and
broken. I believe He has been transforming me specifically for this mission field and
I'm waiting on Him and its reaching an exciting climax for future dance events!
Hearts and lives are being shaped for this ministry to unfold and its gonna be worth the
wait! Thanks kindly for your prayers and support along the way~

Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed reading our family/Life updates. We love you and
pray that God would continue to bless your lives.

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